月別アーカイブ: 2020年6月











A Note on the Pricing of Real Estate Index Linked Swaps


In this paper we discuss the pricing of commercial real estate index
linked swaps (CREILS). This particular pricing problem has been studied
by Buttimer et al. (1997) in a previous paper. We show that their results
are only approximately correct and that the true theoretical price of the
swap is in fact equal to zero. This result is shown to hold regardless
of the speci c model chosen for the index process, the dividend process,
and the interest rate term structure. We provide an intuitive economic
argument as well as a full mathematical proof of our result. In particular
we show that the nonzero result in the previous paper is due to two speci c
numerical approximations introduced in that paper, and we discuss these
approximation errors from a theoretical as well as from a numerical point
of view.

Investing in Agriculture as an Asset Class

There has been massive investment in agricultural assets including farmland, handling and trading, technology, fertilizer, and others. A number of studies have analyzed investing in farmland, but there has been limited focus on investing in non-farmland agricultural assets. This article analyzes the role of farmland and other agricultural investments in class-specific portfolios.We use a Mean-Value at Risk (MVaR) model with restrictions to find, compare, and contrast the optimal portfolio composition among U.S. farmland, agricultural equities and grain futures. Copulas are used to account for non-normal distributions and asymmetric dependence relationships. The results illustrate that farmland is attractive as an investment. However, as risk tolerance is increased, a shift to other agricultural assets would bring greater returns. [EconLit Citations: G110, C150, D810] .C  2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Tracking the Evolution of Idiosyncratic Risk and Cross-Sectional Expected Returns for US REITs

Tracking the Evolution of Idiosyncratic Risk
and Cross-Sectional Expected Returns for US REITs
Nusret Cakici & Isil Erol & Dogan Tirtiroglu
Published online: 17 March 2013


This paper adopts the methodology in Bali and Cakici (Journal of
Financial & Quantitative Analysis, 43, 29–58, 2008) in tracking the evolution
of the relation between equity REITs’ idiosyncratic risk and their cross-sectional
expected returns between 1981 and 2010. In addition to the full sample period,
we study this relation for (i) January 1981–December 1992, (ii) January 1993–
September 2001, (iii) November 2001–August 2008 and (iv) November 2001–
December 2010 and produce empirical results for (i) all sample REITs, (ii)
REITs with a price greater than $10 or (iii) REITs with a price greater than $5.
Each period represents different dynamics (including the Global Financial
Crisis) in the life of the REIT industry and leads to a different hypothesis.
Further, we present comparative results based on the Fama-French 3- and 4-
factor models. Overall, we document a negative relation between idiosyncratic
risk and cross-sectional expected returns and demonstrate that this negative
relation changes over time. These findings amplify the “idiosyncratic volatility
puzzle,” as reported in the recent finance literature. Interestingly, REITs with a
price of $5-to-$10 do well in 2009 and 2010. Further, the momentum factor
appears to be influential since the first-ever listing of a REIT in the S&P500
Index in early October 2001.